of Dwór na Wolicy
The Dwór na Wolicy building is surrounded by a charming park with an area of 2.4 ha with dense old trees. The wide-spread oaks are nature’s monuments that stand testimony to the centuries-long history of the place. In addition to the oak trees ther are, small-leaved limes, alders, hornbeams and beeches. Along the length of the park runs a preserved chestnut-lined avenue which leads into Leśna Street, connecting the park to the city. The Wolica Park has become one of the few green enclaves in the urbanized landscape of Dębica and Wolica itself. In the park, on the north side near the fence, on the top of a mound stands a pedestal with a figure of the Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception from the 19th century. The sculpture is life-sized and made of artificial stone.


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